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Partner Bio
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Thom Sumbler is the senior partner of The Iron Bridge Group. Mr. Sumbler has 30 years of experience developing and leading the sales, marketing and strategic development units of several companies. He has founded three highly successful start-up companies and brings that experience to our clients.

Prior to creating The Iron Bridge Group, Mr. Sumbler was Senior Vice President, Business Development for OnFiber. In that role he lead strategic initiatives between OnFiber and its largest customers leveraging the strengths of each company to create new products and revenue streams with minimal capital requirements. Previously, he held a similar position with Telseon where he was responsible for creating a strategic relationship for that company that infused $65,000.000. of transmission equipment into the company and allowed it to expand its service offerings and subsequently increased its revenues significantly.

In previous years, Mr. Sumbler co-founded two highly successful high tech start-up companies, Pace Network Services a SS7 signaling company and DataChoice Network Services, a company that provided transmission services to the telecom industry. In addition, he has held several positions in sales and product development in the telecom industry.






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